Zen Retreat with Tolo Cantarellas, JDPSN, 30 Nov and 1 Dec in Zen Center Palma de Mallorca
YMDD and the Precepts ceremony.
Intensive Week, led by Barbara Pardo JDPSN. 7 days with midnight practice (2ª entry December 5)
We invite you to a Zen Retreat with Zen Master Gu Ja in Zen Center Berlin. Start: Friday 6 December 6:30 p.m. (arrival latest until 6 p.m.) End: Sunday 8 December 2 p.m. Costs: 120€ / 100€ for members / 90€ for Dharma Teachers (in training) The costs include also food and accommodation in the […]
WINTER RETREAT Kyol Che January 5 to April 5, arrival January 4 in the evening (13 weeks, minimum participation 1 week. Entry and exit every Saturday afternoon). Deep in the mountains, the great bell is struck. (Zen Master Seung Sahn) Meditation is like a wind that blows all clouds of thinking away and mind becomes […]