Zen Masters and Dharma Masters
of the Kwan Um School

Bon Shim
Soen Sa Nim
Bon Shim Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Aleksandra Porter) received inka in 1992 from Zen Master Seung Sahn and transmission in 2006 from Zen Master Wu Bong. Bon Shim SSN is the Guiding Teacher of Kwan Um School of Zen centers and groups in Poland, the Czech Republic and Spain…

Bon Shim
Soen Sa Nim

Ji Kwang
Soen Sa Nim
Ji Kwang Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Roland Wöhrle-Chon) received Inka in February 2000 and Dharma Transmission in April 2012 from Zen Master Wu Bong. Ji Kwang SSN is the guiding teacher of Zen groups in Germany and Israel...

Ji Kwang
Soen Sa Nim

Joeng Hye
Soen Sa Nim
Joeng Hye Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Andrzej Piotrowski) received Inka in March 2000 and Dharma Transmission in March 2016 from Zen Master Dae Kwang. Joeng Hye SSN is the guiding teacher of Kwan Um Zen groups in Poland and Lithuania…

Joeng Hye
Soen Sa Nim
Zen Master Joeng Hye in 2016 “Together action is like a wave that carries you away and you cannot resist it.Your small self, your ego is too weak to resist that wave. This wave of together action is the wave of your true mind, of your true self. The name of it is – Just do it!”

Gu Ja
Soen Sa Nim
Gu Ja Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Namhee Chon) received Inka in May 2008 and Dharma Transmission in April 2017 from Zen Master Bon Shim. Gu Ja SSN is Guiding Teacher for the Berlin Zen Center (ZZB) and the Abbess of the Kwan Um School of Zen in Germany…

Gu Ja
Soen Sa Nim

Hyon Ja
Soen Sa Nim
Alma Potter SSN received Inka in May 2008 at the Berlin Zen Center from Zen Master Wu Bong. She is Guiding Teacher for centers and groups in Austria, Spain, Hungary and Mexico...Visit our partners,www.fakewatch.is best replica watches shoes leaders in fashionable footwear!

Hyon Ja
Soen Sa Nim

Dae An
Soen Sa Nim
Dae An Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Bogumila Malinowska) is the Guiding Teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen in London. She received Inka from Zen Master Wu Bong in September 2009 at the Warsaw Zen Center And Dharma Transmission from Zen Master Ji Kwang in June 2024.

Dae An
Soen Sa Nim

Chon Mun Sunim
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Chon Mun Sunim JDPSN (Dharma Master) received Inka in April 2002 In Providence Zen Center. He began studying with Zen Master Seung Sahn in his native Poland in 1980. In 1986…

Chon Mun Sunim
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Arne Schaefer
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Arne Schaefer JDPSN received Inka in April 2010 from Zen Master Wu Bong and is the Guiding Teacher of the Dresden Zen Center and the Zen groups in Hamburg and Bad Bramstedt…

Arne Schaefer
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Koen Vermeulen
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Koen Vermeulen JDPSN received Inka from Zen Master Wu Bong in Poland on March 9, 2013. He lives with his family below the Brussels Zen Center and is the resident teacher in Brussels…

Koen Vermeulen
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Igor Piniński
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Igor Piniński JDPSN received Inka from Zen Master Bon Shim at Wu Bong Sa in Poland on March 9, 2013. He was the abbot of the Łódź Zen Center for 14 years and is now the resident teacher there…

Igor Piniński
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

George Hazlbauer
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
George Hazlbauer JDPSN received Inka from from Zen Master Dae Kwang In 2016, he was the abbot in the american school’s main temple in Providence. Currently he serves as abbot in Vrazne Zen Center, Czech Republic …

George Hazlbauer
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Yuval Gil
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Yuval Gill JDPSN received Inka from Zen Master Ji Kwang in 2016 at Wu Bong Sa, Poland on 2016. Yuval co-founded the first Kwan Um Zen Center in Tel Aviv. Today, he is the Abbot of Kwan Um Israel …

Yuval Gil
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Knud Rosenmayr
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN received inka from Zen Master Ji Kwang at Wu Bong Sa, Poland, in March 2016. He teaches regularly on Kwan Um Zen Online and is the guiding teacher of the Vienna Zen Center. He lives in Austria and works at a language school in Vienna.

Knud Rosenmayr
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Lizzie Coombs
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Lizzie Coombs JDPSN received inka from Zen Master Seong Hyang in 2018 at Providence Zen Center, U.S.A. She is co-founder of York Zen Group with her husband Roger Keyes, where she is Guiding Teacher, and also Guiding Teacher of The Peak Zen Group in the U.K…

Lizzie Coombs
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Barbara Pardo
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Barbara Pardo JDPSN received inka from Zen Master Bon Shim in 2019. Barbara’s father, Fernando, was one of Zen Master Seung Sahn’s first students in Spain, and has been the abbot of Bori Sa Temple in Barcelona since the 1980s...

Barbara Pardo
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Tolo Cantarellas
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Bartolomé Cantarellas Socías JDPSN met Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1981 at a retreat that was held in a monastery in Palma de Mallorca. In 1983 Bartolomé moved to Girona, in Catalonia, where he lived at Ahabah, a community that organized retreats and therapies for groups...

Tolo Cantarellas
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Jan Sendzimir
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Jan Sendzimir JDPSN was born in the USA and started practicing with Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1975 and became a Dharma Teacher in 1978. Since then he has been practicing and often living in different Kwan Um Zen Centers in the US, in Vienna and in Mu Sang Sa in Korea with many of our Masters but got most influenced by Zen Master Seung Sahn, Zen Master Dae Bong, Zen Master Dae Kwang, and Zen Master Ji Kwang. In 1998 he moved to Europe, to Vienna and built up a life with his back then wife and 2 daughters. Nowadays he lives in Vienna with his partner Hyon Ja SSN (Alma Potter SSN) and is the abbot of Vienna Zen Center. He received Inka Zen Master Ji Kwang in September, 2022...

Jan Sendzimir
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Dušan Silváši
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Dušan Silváši JDPSN was born in Košice, Slovakia. In 1992 he started practicing with the Kwan Um School of Zen, first with Zen Master Wu Bong and later with Oleg Šuk JDPSN. He works as an IT specialist and has also been a teacher for Karate for many years. He has been the abbot of Košice Zen Center for 17 years. He has 2 children with his wife Olga (also a longtime Zen practitioner) and together with her he has been working on spreading the teaching of Zen to a much wider audience with projects involving Yoga, Karate and recently also with IT professionals. He received in inka from Zen Master Gu Ja in September 2022.

Dušan Silváši
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Agata Hae In
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Agata Hae In JDPSN received inka from Zen Master Jeong Hye in April 2023. She was born in Poland and has been practicing Zen since 2000, initially under the guidance of Soto Zen Master Jakusho Kwong Roshi. She has spent over 4 years on intensive silent retreats. For 15 years she has been a resident in Zen centers and temples in Poland, USA and Korea, where she pursued monastic training. She has two degrees, MA in Western Philosophy and in Psychology and works as a psychotherapist. Her special interests are the effectiveness of concentration techniques, changes in the sense of self and spiritual bypassing. For 8 years she was active as KUSZ European Office member and Director, facilitating the democratic changes in the administrative structure of the Sangha.

Agata Hae In
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
In Memoriam

Wu Bong
Soen Sa Nim
Wu Bong Soen Sa Nim (Zen Master Jacob Perl) was the Head Teacher of the European Kwan Um School of Zen from 1995 to 2013…

Wu Bong
Soen Sa Nim

Oleg Šuk
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Oleg Šuk JDPSN (Dharma Master Shim Jeom) received Inka from Zen Master Wu Bong in September 2009. He was the Guiding Teacher for Kwan Um School of Zen groups in Slovakia, Russia, Latvia and the Czech Republic…

Oleg Šuk
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim

Myong Hae Sunim
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
Myong Hae Sunim JDPS was the first Buddhist nun in Lithuania. After becoming a nun in Korea in 1997, she moved to Hong Kong and was trained by Zen Master Dae Kwan. In 2016, she received “inka”, or permission to teach, and became a “Ji Do Poep Sa Nim” in the International Kwan Um School and the second guiding teacher of Su Bong Zen Monastery

Myong Hae Sunim
Ji Do Peop Sa Nim
"Zen Master Seung Sahn gave transmission to Zen Masters and inka (teaching authority) to senior students called Ji Do Poep Sa Nims or Dharma Masters." Seon Sa Nim is a Korean title meaning "Honored Zen Master", abbreviated SSN. Ji Do Peop Sa Nim means "Honored Dharma Master Guide, abbreviated JDPSN.
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